الخميس، 16 يونيو 2011

Calculate the speed of pigeons in the race

First you must know the law of speed
C = distanceTime
The distance that already exist at the branch which surveyor that the work space of any office of the UnionThe expense of time are as followsFirst, for example, clocks are set at 10 pm and called the initial accuracy of the nightUpon arrival the bathroom is accurate in timeAccuracy is then time for the night at the club and called the accuracy of the second nightCalled the difference between two times the number of hours of work timeAccount presentation and delayIs calculated by the difference between the accuracy of the first and second night is also the issue of victims of last not more than 5 minutes per day to provide or delaySuch as precision and accuracy the first 10 and two o'clock 9:01:50 minutes and fifty Thoana= Min presentation and fifty Thoana = 110 secondNote that the application be deducted in case the time delay in the case of added time to the time of flightHow do you calculate flight timeIs calculated as follows will be launched in the bathroom at 7 access to loft Time .10.23 .11= Flight time of four hours and ten minutes and twenty-three seconds, 250.23 minutesAccount application or delay = time of application or the delay divided by the total number for the operation of Time multiplied by the number of filled the first hour of accuracy until the arrival of the bathroom
Application = 110x (23 × 60) ÷ (13 × 60) = 62 w any minute and 2 seconds
Be deducted minutes and 2 seconds from the time of arrival of individual pigeons 250.32 = 249.30
This is like in order to clarify the issue

The Egyptian Federation of racing pigeons MessagesMudslinger number (46) of 1977Statement of accountResultBranch Dakahlia Mitt immersion race / bathroomName racer / Nasser button precision initial night / 10:00:00 toDistance racer / 182.081.79 how accurate the second night / 9:01:50An accurate initial / Deadline access: 11:10:23
No. a ring rubber: Indoor / Outdoor 9654/69
No. a ring metal: 10050 / 4
Dove Color: lobular ........ ............................182.081.79Average speed = 20.37273 million, M / d249.30

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