الجمعة، 24 يونيو 2011

Photos pigeons face colored

Photos pigeons face colored

American rocker pigeons

The original home of the dove of India, where he was reared there on a large scale, especially in the city of Calcutta and its environs, has been known there for several centuries, although, the information about its history is not available, and was described as a man in India, called Abu al-Fadl in 1890, that Bath Accessories and display, is characterized by breathtaking beauty, and was called the old «tailed broad pendulum». This bathroom features a lot of fans amateur public is more than any other pool, that's the beauty of its tail like a magician who fan, and Oagafth distinctive and variability in the movement. Not surprisingly, dubbed the master bathroom. Bath is a gorgeous, ancient history, receive special attention in all the exhibitions that are held to the bathroom. Although the Indian strain of pigeons pendulum has long been known, but considered a subspecies of modern North American continent where he enjoys immensely popular there. The documents speak in the United States for the arrival of the first set of the bathroom to the zoo in San Diego in 1927, when he presented the Indian food for the snakes in the garden. After twelve years acquired Harvey Jaltng dubbed the father of modern Indian pendulum first pair of the bathroom and keep it until the year 1941. In that year, Harvey to get rid of all the pigeons in that period, then began a journey to find the bathroom again, has paid his love for the bathroom to start breeding a strain of this beautiful bathroom again. The research led him into a female teacher pool pendulum tail, and then began to wait to find mention of this female, and he married her with the stated Termpeth English, resulting in the pair is small. Then he got after that Harvey mentioned the pendulum to the female and resulted Tzaugema one chick. Harvey then deliberately after that to marry said pendulum Taalandetyn white with two doves, and this is the step that placed Harvey in the right way to produce the most beautiful types of bathroom pendulum that we see in the exhibition halls today. Then he started to Tony Brancato in the production of other types of bathroom pendulum. So he imported from India pendulum bath and use it with some of the bath to produce a type Harvey White, who was the basis for a measure known as the U.S. now. Kdqam and Tony Harvey and the work of a note in the biography of the Indian toilet, which he said that there was no measure of the strain pendulum at the time. Then came the brothers Ludin, Stan and Monthe and they carried most of the colors and markings in the race today. Most of the bathroom is a bathroom with a known white side, and blue and full Alolmond Premier. Stan began to enter the color brown in the genes of pendulum in 1998, with the help of Bill Larson. The Stan type schema and dotted Petrbaat, The Bill as well as color sprayed. There are a lot of amateurs who have contributed to the success of the Indian pendulum over the years. It should remind us here that the name Jenny Machado, where he won in all exhibitions. Competing strain of pigeons White produced in 1970, his product in 1990. Interested in Tony breeding this strain after the phase of Harvey and Jenny, while still brothers Ludin working in silence, which got to know the colors and markings that will they offer the fans in the coming years, and now everyone in the waiting on pins and needles. and senior amateur distinguished for this strain Sezer Joe from Arizona in the United States. Has had 10 of the 14 birds flying in the final round of the Grand National Exhibition bathroom, the bathroom, where she types pendulum of public interest in this festival. What made this more impressive impact that Joe had won the most prizes! Joe not a specialist in color and only one or two, but has strains with different signs and colors, each with a distinctive character. And established amateur club bathroom pendulum Indian in the United States. It was a measure of the bath ideal pendulum in the United States Total points hundred points distributed on the qualities needed in the body of this bathroom is as follows: stand: «15 points». Reflect Aelloukfahsulaima harmony and fit the different parts, and describes the balance and natural elegance, and we note that the neck is in a position perpendicular to the ground, and the eyes above the tips of the fingers immediately when the bird was standing, and tail should be up to the highest angle is small, or tilted away from the feet, and gives the impression that custom head, proportionally. And must have a high body angle of 20 degrees. Preferably be in the normal bird and of steadfast nonrecurring body back on the scale. And have a large head, with little movement as possible. It is desirable that the body is large and rounded and the chest broad and short and legs medium length, and the bird remain steadfast and stand on tiptoe at all. Tail: (30 points): The tail pendulum India's huge and long and high up in the form of a semi-circle of 3 quarters to 3 eighths of a part of the circuit. It must be up to the tail feathers and a half inch or an inch two inches. The tail in the form of saucer. And preferably two layers of feathers. Body: 30 points. A - Size: (5 points) the size of a small pendulum to the Indian average, and average weight of 14 to 18 ounces (397 to 510 grams), as in the bath and supply, or patting the English race. If a tie all the birds in all the qualities mentioned in the scale, preference is given to the bird, larger ones. B - head, eyes and neck: (5 points) must be the head full and round, as it should be eye color uniform in all cases, and neck, the average length and is characterized by the movement of mild to non-existent which is covered with thick down comforters. c - custom: (5 points) must be the end of the practice in a direct line with the eye and the end of the beak. And the summit of custom PET, as in the bird owners and patting especially when the summit custom small. D - chest and back: (5 points), preferably a chest round and full, and that covers the blades chest bumps the wing, as it should be along the back and display medium-sized, leaving a distance of inch and a half inch between the head and tail when you pause the bird feeding. e - two men and the feet and the flight feathers (5 points): The two men were two medium length, feet Kthefa feathers, and the length of the foot about two inches, and have feathers Aerqhoben line, and must be covered with feathers of all the fingers, and be flight feathers under the tail, but not touching the ground. and - the fabric feathers: (5 points) should preferably be soft feathers. And preferably feathers broad private tail feathers main, and be feathered back of the tail in a tight toward the top. The general situation «5 points»: It is recommended that the bird in good health, and to be graceful, clean and free of parasites. Color (10 pts. ): all colors are allowed, and especially in the United States and most famous black, blue, and planned, and embroidered black, white, and if the tie points of two birds in color gives priority to the bird, the best colors. And prefer all the colors, bright and clean with a little pale and shine too. And that the color of the ground all the colors in the dark, while coming in the color scheme in the bathroom, bathroom dotted. Each bathroom hybrid multiple colors. Must be to justify the existence of colors that contain the types of intensive and other weak color at the same time. Ü colors known as: - Blue: normal, outline, dotted, a genuine dark to light .- Brown: outline, dotted, a genuine dark color or light deployment .- Red Gray: Schema, dotted, dark red light Almottagzh .- .- .- golden yellow Almottagzh .- .- pale purple indigo blue gray .- planned «gray» Alolmond .- .- White. preferably the colors of the beak and the parties fingers homogeneous with the color of feathers, Valhmam a dark color must be of a beak and toenails dark, and the bathroom light color should be the color of its beak and nails a light color. marks (10 points): Each bathroom that belongs to the species known or by the specific benchmarks should be classified as his platoon, even if does not meet the required conditions. Since we know the difficulty of knowing birds tagged properly, you must be given a mark in this case of a bird with a landmark case of a tie in the other points. Valhmam desired is what his body was intact, and its color tends to blue or red gray Oaldakn or brown or khaki, or red or yellow. White pigeons in full. Mark the body: tail entirely white and colored body. Afternoon: Each body of the bird is white and light-colored wings, and an introduction flight feathers and white colored Bagaha. Sign of the tail: the whole body and white tail color, tail Aloahi: body color completely, as well as the tail except for the spread of ribbon white with a width of between half an inch and three quarters inches, or a tape passes through each feather of the tail, or the tail and white Hahia, and the width of the tape from half an inch to an inch and one start from the beginning of the Parties to the tail feathers. Alolmond: each bird tinged, or a related Balolmond Generally, a color splashing, and include this species birds colors where approximately 40% of the body covered with feathers, white and distributor randomly. And should not include this species of any bird is distinctive color and mark. Other colors: of this species the rest of the new colors such as indigo blue, and planned, and gold, purple, pale, and all the birds by the new signs or signs of other experimental. Disadvantages: height of the chest to the top, put the head back , parallel to the tail and its proximity to the ground; or along the toes of the front; vibration of the neck, tail cone shape; feathers, which is less than three-quarters full circle; cracked both sides of the tail because of the overlap of the flight feathers; excess in meandering tail feathers.

Images and information on all pigeons Romanian

1. Al Ain
The eyeball must be white like pearls and Nini the more the greater the smaller size of the beauties of the bird. The greater the size of the eye and vitality of the greater beauty of the bird.
Membrane surrounding the eye from outside, "lid" is very visible and is bright red.
2. Beak:Forces - a length of the average - and proportionate - and slightly curved and Almnkhar high and prominent and the beak in blue "Agazzazy" black or white and gray of the party and in all other colors have a white and pink As for the black as possible to have a line on the beak gray.
Horizontal - a broad chest - middle of the chest bone is very narrow and without warping the "rib cage" and deep, back is flat and very wide length of the body.

1. Suites:
And long hind limbs based on the tail, but without the complexity of "touching" and badminton in the main wing width from 3 to 4 cm in the present situations. Badminton and the second before the last of the party always be longer by about 1 cm and is measured by the breadth of individual feather wings, and of course with consideration for age and gender, "male or female."
2. Tail:
Long as possible, up from 19 to 24 cm and width from 8 to 11 cm by age and gender. Group in the main tail feathers, feather 12 and some cases up to 14 or 16 feather feather and this increases the estimate of the amateur pigeon.
3. Legs:
Very strong and straight, medium length and should be in a position of strength and the ability of bare of feathers the color red with a soft crust and in some cases the light fluff it a sign of strength.
4. Fingers:
Long, strong and scattered with red color and nails black in color, blue, black, white and pink at the other colors.
This kind of Roman bath may weigh up than 1,300 kg to 1.400 kg.
And measuring the wings open up to 120 cm in the blue "Agazzazy" and color Asalafr "Sbrbeh" The rest of the other colors from 110 cm to 115 cm. This measurement is in the levels of World Records.

[B] Roman bathroom colors
There are 6 main colors are:1. Blue (Agazzazy)2. Asalafr (Sbest)And the color blue and Asalafr are the strongest and greatest in size and specifications Unfortunately breeders in Egypt did not pay attention to these two colors like other colors, slipping level and say the number and fate of extinction.3. Red4. Yellow5. Black6. WhiteThere are colors derived between the white and yellow or black and white or white and red.To improve the color:
- Can be mating between blue and Asalafr (Sbest) to give the color blue.- Can be mating between yellow and red to give a distinct red color.- Can be mating between yellow and black to give a glossy black color.[
[B] defects should be avoidedDefects should be avoided:1. Small head is disproportionate to the size of the bird.2. Head from the front is narrow and irregular curvature of the head.3. Beak straight - without any simple curve or smaller than necessary.4. Yellow eyes are not acceptable (your parents eye color).5. Yellowish white eyelids.6. Should not be tilted to the front of the body.7. Wings long and natural increase from the tangled at the tail, or falling down both sides of the body but must be adjacent wings of the body and raised on both sides of the tail.8. Tail should be well feathered and chapped from the middle or the curvature.
Feed the Bathroom Romanian
Proper nutrition to the bathroom to help him health and strength and the ability to output high, and the economy in the bathroom to feed grains and seeds is good weakens it and thus decrease production.Depends mainly on the bathroom grain nutrition and appetite, and accept the diversity of each type of grain in the mixture according to the proportion of protein and carbohydrates that contain the bush.And the needs of the bathroom of the protein, energy, vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and production can be covered by the installation of diet consisting of cereals, legumes and mixture of mineral salts, coarse sand and gravel supply birds with clean water for drinking and bathing.It was found that the best level of protein can be used in diets bathroom is 14% crude protein, where it is at this level to be productive performance of the bath of the best possible, as well as vitality and fertility and the production of Alzgaleil.Small grains play an important and useful role in feeding the bathroom because they contain a high percentage of energy, and installation of the bush also varies with the stages of growth of the bird and the seasonal changes. In winter, the bird needs more energy to save the warmth of the body.Protein used in the growth and to compensate the damaged tissue and resistance to diseases and care Alzgaleil and egg production. When the protein deficiency in the bathroom in the bush fails to resist infection and the need for a longer period of healing with an increased mortality rate among the pigeons.During the period of rapid growth, the needs of the protein to be higher in birds developing small and if there is a shortage of protein or one amino acid stops growth, and the level of protein in the diet Alzgaleil developing ranges from 13.5 to 15% has been chosen to use different levels of protein ranging from 12 to 26 % using cereals, beans, reduce satiety and the best results when the level of 18%.Other research indicated that 18% protein is optimum for hatching and growth of the results, and milk gizzard (Allbh) contains about 59 to 65% protein and protein is necessary for the pool who keeps a race. And nutritional value of protein vary according to each article of the feed, for example soybean bathroom contains a protein 22%, while kidney protein digested is about 20.1%.
Diets bathroom
Based diets in the bathroom attached to the following:First, grain:Pigeons do not eat bush soft, so the diet should consist of barley, rice, corn, sorghum, beans, soybeans, peas, lentils, wheat, and the following detail for use in nutrition:- Corn:The atom is the common use of grain to feed pigeons. There are two types, one small round yellow (maize) and other large-scale and color of white (maize). And recommended not to use the first and second type to the large size and difficulty eating and caused cracks in theIn the skin of the mouth and result in a Takihat, preferably yellow corn because they contain pigments generated for vitamin A. The advantage of corn to supply the energy needed to bath him. Corn can be used by 25 to 35% of the bush. Can be used to break the corn as an alternative, especially for rdnrdnrd where more able to take and digest the grain of sound.- Wheat:The wheat grain used in good feeding pigeons, as their small size makes them easy handling and digestion for rdnrdnrd at the age of 7 to 12 days and must be clean wheat free of fungus and mites and are used by a small percentage of the bush.Can be used only in the wheat grain feeding of pigeons and Alzgaleil for several months but should not persist in it.- Sorghum:Grains are round and smaller in size than most grains and seeds contain more than 13% moisture and are covered with a layer under the solid quality and seed storage in the low content of vitamin A and nutritional value are equal to the atom.Include grain sorghum on the many benefits, and given feeding on these types acceptable results as they are relatively cheap for corn and small size, therefore, recommended for use in feeding Alzgaleil small and contain grains Alaouijh a lower proportion of energy from corn, therefore, can be used in nutrition during the summer and used by 15 to 20% of the bush, and should not be used by a large grain Alaouijh because the bathroom is not favored for other grains was found that the rate of consumption of sorghum to the bathroom no more than 15% in the case of free-feeding.- Rice:Nutritional value for all types of rice are similar and are feeding on the rice after the removal of ovarian cortex and whole grain is shelled be unpalatable and must not exceed the proportion of rice in the bush for 5%.- Soybean:Crude containing 33% protein, but it is desirable to the bathroom.Quality of grain:Grain must be clean, complete and free of broken grains and low humidity as high grain moisture above 13% containing mycotoxins.Was approved by the American Board of Agriculture bush following:- 40% maize.- 20% corn Aouijh.- 35% and a basket full bath and lentils and soybeans.- 5% of wheat.It is possible to reduce the proportion of corn to 25% in summer, and this diet containing 14.2 crude protein, 66.9 extract free of nitrogen (carbohydrates) 2.8% fat, 2.6% crude fiber and need Alzgaleil to 13.5 to 15% protein, 60 to 80% carbohydrate and 2.5% fat, 5% fiber.Spawning and feeding methods Alzgaleil

Must jam bathroom Romanian non-mating the bathroom has only after they are mature fully to the male and female (the completion of the Qch feathers) to not fall into the problems of infertility to the male and the absence of problems for the reproductive system of female non-egg-laying (Atal). It is advisable to accustom the pigeons to lie down on eggs and hatching and Takil Alzgaleil himself.
But the problems got him in the custody of the eggs can lay eggs under the bathroom and another at the same time be put to the Roman bath eggs. It is advisable to raise the first egg until the female lays the second egg to hatch twins in one day is 17 days after hatching in the summer and 18 to 19 days in the winter.

Alzgaleil feeding newly hatched:

Newly hatched chicks fed a substance called milk bath (Allbh) This article does not secrete, but produced in the follicle, a parent is very much like milk Alrayb in terms of the textures are formed granules or small clusters in the form of milk RIPE yellowish white in color.
Begins on the seventh day of the Dormition of the mother and father on the white appearance of cloves to Hamian in the gizzard of parents increases in growth, and in the eighteenth day of the Dormition (ie after hatching directly) cells begin lobes in the formation of balls or body fat made up a block white cells, which called on the basis of milk bath (Allbh), which will disappear after seven days, and the main component of the milk protein is the bathroom, where more than half of the milk bath components on the basis of dry matter also contains most of the essential amino acids.

Feeding system Alzgaleil:

The parents feed the Alzgaleil milk bath (Allbh) where parents move from follicle to follicle Alzgaleil. And it takes a full gizzard Zaghloul a very short time, where it notes that the young are voracious is so that the follicle Zaghloul be too large for the rest of the parts of the body, and as a result of feeding on milk bath doubles the weight of the body several times at the end of the first week.
Continue the process of feeding on milk bath (Allbh) only for a period ranging between 3-4 days of hatching where Alzgaleil in this age their bodies are weak and unable to take advantage of the grain. At the beginning of the fourth day of Omar Zaghloul begins Alzgaleil give parents in a small percentage of grains partially digested by follicle parents Vtakhtlt with milk bath (Allbh) until the seventh day of Omar Zaghloul.
At the end of the seventh day of Omar Zaghloul end the process of producing milk bath (Allbh) where the parents feed the Alzgaleil small grain size until the age of 3-4 weeks, such as wheat, lentils, beans, small grains and sorghum.
Preferably separated from Alzgaleil Iboyera at 4 weeks.
Change feathers (Kalsh)

Is to change the old feathers are new feathers in a certain time of year and the fall of the old feathers are gradually replaced by the growth of new feathers and expel the new badminton badminton old and replace them. This is happening in the bird, as happens in other animals with hair or fur and feathers that renewal of the year. The birds suffer during the change bird feathers be stressful and because the new feathers requires a lot blood.

How the Kalsh in the bathroom:

Wing consists of 22 feathers fly ten of which front (arms or Ruldm or ten), a long, 12 feathers, a short background and begins to change the secondary feathers (Kalsh) of the feather, which was followed by short secondary feathers.
And change in the tail feathers:

Tail consists of the bathroom in the habit of 12 or 14 or 16 or more feathers than that in the bath, such as vibrators. And fall Aristan fifth of the tail from the right and her fifth of the tail feather of the left and then the fourth feather from the right and with the fourth feather from the left and continue until the end of the tail of the offenders. Let it be known to jam the bathroom Roman bath that long, about 2 cm each season to change the blades for 3 years and then prove length.
Must change the amateur season in feathers (Kalsh) the separation of females than males until it is finished completely change the feathers for the convenience of the bathroom at this time to prepare for the new breeding season.

] Bathroom diseases
Disease is the bathroom for the rest of the bird species is the least. As for the most serious types of diseases are:1. Diseases of the nervous system.2. Salmonella.3. Typhoid.4. Albaratyvod.5. Coccidiosis.6. Diphtheria.These diseases are all now have vaccines and medicines in their respective veterinary pharmacies.Worms bathroom
1. Ring worms:It is easy to know the limits of a large 3 / 4 inch thick, such as the thickness of a pencil and color of yellowing and slash this worm affected the bathroom where there are two hundred to five hundred worms in the body of the dove.2. Nematode worm:Actions are infected pigeons, pigeons in this worm infected sharply showing symptoms such as sudden drop in weight and loss of appetite and always get diarrhea.3. Tapeworm:Be flattened and not circular and is divided into parts of her body splayed then divided and watched parts of the worm down with Alboraz injured in the bathroom. Dove and infected this worm are very voracious eating and eat large quantities of grain, however be light in weight.And always when you hit the bathroom with large amounts of any type of worms may lead to death of the dove or affect the production of non-fertilization of a male or female to lay eggs, "Atal".All these worms have their own medicines in the veterinary Alsdlaat. The most serious of these worms, tapeworms, Osabhm in the treatment of the tapeworm.Note:Jam should be a place to isolate any new bathroom for fifteen days away from the pigeons. Until completely sure that it is free from any diseases or worms.And finally:Must hobbyist and jam the novice to get to the bathroom, which will begin by those who have strains of excellent to avoid any defects in the production and knows all the breeders that pigeons Romanian despite its size the huge plain of production like any other type of bathroom, as long as its presence a suitable place for breeding and place each pair on the unit . 

Photos and information for the pigeons Jafari

Strain Aldjaafarh
Baaurba strain is widespread and the Gulf States and has held exhibitions and beauty contests per year
Small head
Short beak in the form of a triangle
Eye large, prominent from the head
Legs medium length
Multiple colors, including color
White Black Red Blue Yellow Jerzely Albazenjany


الخميس، 16 يونيو 2011

Pigeons emphysema

   Information about this pigeon

The pigeons emphysema of the oldest types of outdoor decorations, comes this kind in his chest swollen and his neck and throat, and be filled with air continuously Vtjolh seem larger, and comes bathroom emphysema in several sizes and colors and several types, and vary the size of gall air, bathroom emphysema, a long body which is good for the incubation and hatching , and its origin north of Europe - England - Belgium - Germany, and the nature Valojoa cold temperate and suitable for his upbringing unlike areas with hot climates where it is exposed to many diseases, are the prices of some types of very high and fairly constant, especially those that gizzard large, color is rare.

Some images and information for pigeons long face

Pigeons face long-term types of bathroom beautiful and the rush by educators to the acquisition of this bird from the aesthetic to make it on his own specifications higher than the other factions of the bathroom. , Called the internationally recognized English Long face Tumbler and see from the title that this species originated in Britain, but it developed in both the United States of America and Australia, and professional societies formed for the development of this species. Characterized in terms of prestige and steadfast and insight and the large size of the chest and forehead of the head. The two types (without feathers and feathers in the legs) and is worth mentioning that this species is mainly carrying feature Somersault, but given the conditions of hybridization and development, which negatively affected somewhat contributed to the disappearance of this feature. And is a good production  
 of birds, as well as adapting to climate Persian Gulf

Some pictures of pigeons long face

Tumbler pigeons

Photos and information about the pigeons Joaquin

information about the pigeons Joaquin

Pigeons nice shape, many colors, decorated with feathers, thick head that surrounds the back of the head to the neck. This type of defects that do not incubate eggs and feed Frakhh well.

The most important features inherent him to be feathers developing on the neck soft thick and covers the head and arched forward, extending to the front of the head and due without a cut back in an arc so that it covers the head completely and show the eyes or the face of the bird and this tends some breeders to cut some of the feathers are thick in order to allows the vision of a bird, and it is genuine feathers on the side of the rose-like censorship, and it must be the tail feathers and flight feathers and white colored the rest of the body color of abuse may be red or black or yellow or blue .. And the feathers of the wing last up to a long tail or more, and the origin country of India,

There is also a quality in this strain is characterized by feathers is dense and free of feathers on the forehead, eyes, eye color is pearly and is characterized by good education for children and can fly quickly and easily Unlike the original it

 Some pictures of pigeons Joaquin