الجمعة، 24 يونيو 2011

American rocker pigeons

The original home of the dove of India, where he was reared there on a large scale, especially in the city of Calcutta and its environs, has been known there for several centuries, although, the information about its history is not available, and was described as a man in India, called Abu al-Fadl in 1890, that Bath Accessories and display, is characterized by breathtaking beauty, and was called the old «tailed broad pendulum». This bathroom features a lot of fans amateur public is more than any other pool, that's the beauty of its tail like a magician who fan, and Oagafth distinctive and variability in the movement. Not surprisingly, dubbed the master bathroom. Bath is a gorgeous, ancient history, receive special attention in all the exhibitions that are held to the bathroom. Although the Indian strain of pigeons pendulum has long been known, but considered a subspecies of modern North American continent where he enjoys immensely popular there. The documents speak in the United States for the arrival of the first set of the bathroom to the zoo in San Diego in 1927, when he presented the Indian food for the snakes in the garden. After twelve years acquired Harvey Jaltng dubbed the father of modern Indian pendulum first pair of the bathroom and keep it until the year 1941. In that year, Harvey to get rid of all the pigeons in that period, then began a journey to find the bathroom again, has paid his love for the bathroom to start breeding a strain of this beautiful bathroom again. The research led him into a female teacher pool pendulum tail, and then began to wait to find mention of this female, and he married her with the stated Termpeth English, resulting in the pair is small. Then he got after that Harvey mentioned the pendulum to the female and resulted Tzaugema one chick. Harvey then deliberately after that to marry said pendulum Taalandetyn white with two doves, and this is the step that placed Harvey in the right way to produce the most beautiful types of bathroom pendulum that we see in the exhibition halls today. Then he started to Tony Brancato in the production of other types of bathroom pendulum. So he imported from India pendulum bath and use it with some of the bath to produce a type Harvey White, who was the basis for a measure known as the U.S. now. Kdqam and Tony Harvey and the work of a note in the biography of the Indian toilet, which he said that there was no measure of the strain pendulum at the time. Then came the brothers Ludin, Stan and Monthe and they carried most of the colors and markings in the race today. Most of the bathroom is a bathroom with a known white side, and blue and full Alolmond Premier. Stan began to enter the color brown in the genes of pendulum in 1998, with the help of Bill Larson. The Stan type schema and dotted Petrbaat, The Bill as well as color sprayed. There are a lot of amateurs who have contributed to the success of the Indian pendulum over the years. It should remind us here that the name Jenny Machado, where he won in all exhibitions. Competing strain of pigeons White produced in 1970, his product in 1990. Interested in Tony breeding this strain after the phase of Harvey and Jenny, while still brothers Ludin working in silence, which got to know the colors and markings that will they offer the fans in the coming years, and now everyone in the waiting on pins and needles. and senior amateur distinguished for this strain Sezer Joe from Arizona in the United States. Has had 10 of the 14 birds flying in the final round of the Grand National Exhibition bathroom, the bathroom, where she types pendulum of public interest in this festival. What made this more impressive impact that Joe had won the most prizes! Joe not a specialist in color and only one or two, but has strains with different signs and colors, each with a distinctive character. And established amateur club bathroom pendulum Indian in the United States. It was a measure of the bath ideal pendulum in the United States Total points hundred points distributed on the qualities needed in the body of this bathroom is as follows: stand: «15 points». Reflect Aelloukfahsulaima harmony and fit the different parts, and describes the balance and natural elegance, and we note that the neck is in a position perpendicular to the ground, and the eyes above the tips of the fingers immediately when the bird was standing, and tail should be up to the highest angle is small, or tilted away from the feet, and gives the impression that custom head, proportionally. And must have a high body angle of 20 degrees. Preferably be in the normal bird and of steadfast nonrecurring body back on the scale. And have a large head, with little movement as possible. It is desirable that the body is large and rounded and the chest broad and short and legs medium length, and the bird remain steadfast and stand on tiptoe at all. Tail: (30 points): The tail pendulum India's huge and long and high up in the form of a semi-circle of 3 quarters to 3 eighths of a part of the circuit. It must be up to the tail feathers and a half inch or an inch two inches. The tail in the form of saucer. And preferably two layers of feathers. Body: 30 points. A - Size: (5 points) the size of a small pendulum to the Indian average, and average weight of 14 to 18 ounces (397 to 510 grams), as in the bath and supply, or patting the English race. If a tie all the birds in all the qualities mentioned in the scale, preference is given to the bird, larger ones. B - head, eyes and neck: (5 points) must be the head full and round, as it should be eye color uniform in all cases, and neck, the average length and is characterized by the movement of mild to non-existent which is covered with thick down comforters. c - custom: (5 points) must be the end of the practice in a direct line with the eye and the end of the beak. And the summit of custom PET, as in the bird owners and patting especially when the summit custom small. D - chest and back: (5 points), preferably a chest round and full, and that covers the blades chest bumps the wing, as it should be along the back and display medium-sized, leaving a distance of inch and a half inch between the head and tail when you pause the bird feeding. e - two men and the feet and the flight feathers (5 points): The two men were two medium length, feet Kthefa feathers, and the length of the foot about two inches, and have feathers Aerqhoben line, and must be covered with feathers of all the fingers, and be flight feathers under the tail, but not touching the ground. and - the fabric feathers: (5 points) should preferably be soft feathers. And preferably feathers broad private tail feathers main, and be feathered back of the tail in a tight toward the top. The general situation «5 points»: It is recommended that the bird in good health, and to be graceful, clean and free of parasites. Color (10 pts. ): all colors are allowed, and especially in the United States and most famous black, blue, and planned, and embroidered black, white, and if the tie points of two birds in color gives priority to the bird, the best colors. And prefer all the colors, bright and clean with a little pale and shine too. And that the color of the ground all the colors in the dark, while coming in the color scheme in the bathroom, bathroom dotted. Each bathroom hybrid multiple colors. Must be to justify the existence of colors that contain the types of intensive and other weak color at the same time. Ü colors known as: - Blue: normal, outline, dotted, a genuine dark to light .- Brown: outline, dotted, a genuine dark color or light deployment .- Red Gray: Schema, dotted, dark red light Almottagzh .- .- .- golden yellow Almottagzh .- .- pale purple indigo blue gray .- planned «gray» Alolmond .- .- White. preferably the colors of the beak and the parties fingers homogeneous with the color of feathers, Valhmam a dark color must be of a beak and toenails dark, and the bathroom light color should be the color of its beak and nails a light color. marks (10 points): Each bathroom that belongs to the species known or by the specific benchmarks should be classified as his platoon, even if does not meet the required conditions. Since we know the difficulty of knowing birds tagged properly, you must be given a mark in this case of a bird with a landmark case of a tie in the other points. Valhmam desired is what his body was intact, and its color tends to blue or red gray Oaldakn or brown or khaki, or red or yellow. White pigeons in full. Mark the body: tail entirely white and colored body. Afternoon: Each body of the bird is white and light-colored wings, and an introduction flight feathers and white colored Bagaha. Sign of the tail: the whole body and white tail color, tail Aloahi: body color completely, as well as the tail except for the spread of ribbon white with a width of between half an inch and three quarters inches, or a tape passes through each feather of the tail, or the tail and white Hahia, and the width of the tape from half an inch to an inch and one start from the beginning of the Parties to the tail feathers. Alolmond: each bird tinged, or a related Balolmond Generally, a color splashing, and include this species birds colors where approximately 40% of the body covered with feathers, white and distributor randomly. And should not include this species of any bird is distinctive color and mark. Other colors: of this species the rest of the new colors such as indigo blue, and planned, and gold, purple, pale, and all the birds by the new signs or signs of other experimental. Disadvantages: height of the chest to the top, put the head back , parallel to the tail and its proximity to the ground; or along the toes of the front; vibration of the neck, tail cone shape; feathers, which is less than three-quarters full circle; cracked both sides of the tail because of the overlap of the flight feathers; excess in meandering tail feathers.

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